Make a Bill Payment Report

A Bill Payment Report is a detailed list of all the payments made to your vendors, you can filter this list by type of payments  Click on Reports and select the option Bill Payment Report Select a specific payment type or all of them Set the range of the period […]

QuickVin Search

We worked with CARFAX to include this feature that will help you to find the information about a vehicle, there are two way to use it: Search by Plate and State    Search by Vin Number       Also, you can review the service history of the vehicle clicking in Need […]

Quick Customer

We increased the ease of custom search including more parameters, like Phone, Vehicle and Plate. Take a look to the next images You can search any type (name, phone, year, make, model or plate). Enter a minimum of 3 letters or digits Continue with the same image There are two types […]

Labor Pricing

Labor Pricing is a new feature that offers you an average price for your labor that customers are paying in your local area In order for this feature to be available we collect information from different sources including auto repair shops. Follow the images to know how it works: Select […]

Income Statement

The financial statements of a company made easy. Follow the next example to learn how you can obtain one. Click on Reports and select the option Income Statement By default the range of period set is the past 30 days, you can choose your own date range. Click on Search […]

How use Custom Price

     Custom Price is a new feature that will help you to round the total of your order, not clear? Follow the example: You have an order with its items(labors and parts) The total of your order is $233.49, but you going to receive $250.00 of your customer, there is […]