How make a Bill

Click on Accounting and select the option Bills


Click on Add New Bill


Enter the information of your Bill. The fields with (*) are required to continue.


  1. Select a Vendor or fields to add a new oneNewBill2
  2. Enter the bill data: Bill number, dates, notes
  3. Add the items. If you don’t find an item in our list, you can create one by clicking on Add New Item in the drop down menu.
  4. [OPTIONAL] You can link the expense with an invoice
  5. Don’t forget set the Quantity and Unit Price for each item. Look how the Total Bill is updated with each change.
  6. After add your items you have 2 options for saving your bill, with or without payment.
    If you only want to save the payment, click on Save Changes and a confirmation message will be displayed on your screen.
    If you want to save the bill with a payment, enter the payment information in the section and click on Add Payment
  1. A confirmation message for saving the bill will be appear on your screen, click on Confirm to continue
  2. Two green messages confirm that your bill and payment is saved.
    NewBill9Then, the bill will open in edit format.
    NewBill10If you make any change in this part, select Save Changes to keep it.


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