Close or Lock period is a feature only for the manager or owner of a shop. Only a Super Administrator user has access to it. This feature allows that a closed period is not changed without a security PIN that mean that every change like add, edit an order, bill, or payment will need the security PIN
When any user wants to make a change, a message will appear that requests the PIN to continue.
Follow the steps to Close/Lock a period
- Go to menu Setting and select the option Shop Settings
- Click on tab System Settings
- Click on Close/Lock Period located at the bottom of the page
- Select the start and end date
- Set your PIN
- Click on Save Changes
Only the first time that you close your period, you can set the initial date. Later this field will be locked, this value will be a day after the last day of the locked period.
Is important that only a person like a manager or owner only has this privilege. Once a period is closed, this period can not be opened, so it is only responsibility of the Super Administrator user set and share the security PIN.
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