How close/lock a period

Close or Lock period is a feature only for the manager or owner of a shop. Only a Super Administrator user has access to it. This feature allows that a closed period is not changed without a security PIN that mean that every change like add, edit an order, bill, or payment will need the security PIN

When any user wants to make a change, a message will appear that requests the PIN to continue.

Follow the steps to Close/Lock a period

  1. Go to menu Setting and select the option Shop Settings
  2. Click on tab System Settings
  3. Click on Close/Lock Period located at the bottom of the page
  4. Select the start and end date
  5. Set your PIN
  6. Click on Save Changes

Only the first time that you close your period, you can set the initial date. Later this field will be locked, this value will be a day after the last day of the locked period.

Is important that only a person like a manager or owner only has this privilege. Once  a period is closed, this period can not be opened, so it is only responsibility of the Super Administrator user set and share the security PIN.

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