How use a Canned Job

A canned job is a group of items (labors and parts that you can save as one to use it many orders. When you are making an order where you search a labor, type the name of your canned job, click on it,and all the items of your canned job will be added to your order.

Also in a Canned Job you can set quantities and prices of each item for apply it in a specific occasion


Here there are many examples of uses:

  • Service Pack –  If you have established packages that contain many labors
  • Promotions or coupons
  • Frequency Services


Follow the steps to learn how create a new canned job:

  1. Go to menu Company and select the option Canned Job
  2. Click on Add Canned Job
  3. Enter the Name of you canned job. This is how you will can search it when you make an order
  4. Select your items
  5. Edit your item if needed (quantities, hours, prices)
  6. Click on Save Changes

Also you can save an order as canned job, follow this steps:

  1. Before saving your order, click on More
  2. Select the option Save this order as canned job
  3. Enter the name of your canned job
  4. Click on Save Changes
  5. Save your order normally

Now look at the next images to learn how use a canned job in your order


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