How use Custom Price

     Custom Price is a new feature that will help you to round the total of your order, not clear? Follow the example:

You have an order with its items(labors and parts)


The total of your order is $233.49, but you going to receive $250.00 of your customer,
there is $16.51 of difference and you need to calculate between the unit price of your item, the tax rate for labor, parts, etc

This point is where Custom Price is usefull.
Enter your amount and click on GO, and …



It’s ready! No more calculating, no more one by one cents.



In your Shop Settings there are some parameters that you can set can fit your needs, Lets take a look


Total Amount. Active or deactivate this feature
Only in orders on the range. Set a minimum  and maximum price in your orders to calculate
Change value. Choose what options will be modified, parts, labor or both

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